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Performance of Microporous Carbon Electrodes for Supercapacitors: Comparing Graphene with Disordered Materials

Trinidad Méndez-Morales Nidhal Ganfoud Zhujie Li Matthieu Haefele Benjamin Rotenberg Mathieu Salanne
Energy Storage Materials

Challenges and prospects of 3D micro-supercapacitors for powering the internet of things

Christophe Lethien Jean Le Bideau Jean Brousse
Energy & Environmental Science

A New Superionic Plastic Polymorph of the Na+ Conductor Na3PS4

Theodosios Famprikis James A. Dawson Francois Fauth Oliver Clemens Emmanuelle Suard Benoit Fleutot Matthieu Courty Jean-Noel Chotard M. Saiful Islam Christian Masquelier
ACS Materials Letters

Challenges and prospects of 3D micro-supercapacitors for powering the internet of things

Christophe Lethien Jean Le Bideau Jean Brousse
Energy & Environmental Science

Rechargeable aqueous electrolyte batteries: from univalent to multivalent cation chemistry

Rezan Demir-Cakan M. Rosa Palacín Laurence Croguennec
Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Effect of the carbon microporous structure on the capacitance of aqueous supercapacitors

Nidhal Ganfoud Assane Sene Matthieu Haefele Abel Marin-Laflèche Barbara Daffos Pierre-Louis Taberna Mathieu Salanne Patrice Simon Benjamin Rotenberg
Energy Storage Materials

Understanding the Thermal Runaway of Ni-Rich Lithium-Ion Batteries

Thi Thu Dieu Nguyen Sara Abada Amandine Lecocq Julien Bernard Martin Petit Guy Marlair Sylvie Grugeon Stéphane Laruelle
World Electric Vehicle Journal

Redox paradox of vanadium in Tavorite LiVPO4F1-yOy

Edouard Boivin Antonella Iadecola François Fauth Jean-Noël Chotard Christian Masquelier Laurence Croguennec
Chemistry of Materials

Singlet oxygen from cation driven superoxide disproportionation and consequences for aprotic metal–O 2 batteries

Eléonore Mourad Yann Petit Riccardo Spezia Aleksej Samojlov Francesco Summa Christian Prehal Christian Leypold Nika Mahne Christian Slugovc Olivier Fontaine Sergio Brutti Stefan Freunberger
Energy & Environmental Science

Poly(ethylene oxide)-based block copolymer electrolytes for lithium metal batteries

Trang N. T. Phan Sebastien Issa Didier Gigmes

Glasses and glass-ceramics for solid-state battery applications- Chapter 50

Virginie Viallet Vincent Seznec Akitochi Hayashi Masahiro Tatsumisago Annie Pradel

Thermal Oxidation of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials Revisited: Evidence of Mechanism Changes

Emmanuel Picheau Ferdinand Hof Alain Derré Barbara Daffos Alain Pénicaud
Angewandte Chemie International Edition