Boron-Based Functional Additives Enable Solid Electrolyte Interphase Engineering in Calcium Metal Battery
Batteries & Supercaps
Is There a Ready Recipe for Hard Carbon Electrode Engineering to Enhance Na-Ion Battery Performance?
ACS Applied Energy Materials
Composite Mn-Co electrode materials for supercapacitors: Why the precursor’s morphology matters!
Nanoscale Advances
Zero volt storage of Na-ion batteries: Performance dependence on cell chemistry!
Journal of Power Sources
Perspective on commercializing smart sensing for batteries
From Battery Manufacturing to Smart Grids: Towards a Metaverse for the Energy Sciences
Batteries & Supercaps
Cd3P2/Zn3P2 Core-Shell Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Optical Properties
Exploring the Carbon/Electrolyte Interface in Supercapacitors Operating in Highly Concentrated Aqueous Electrolytes
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Understanding the Chemical Shifts of Aqueous Electrolyte Species Adsorbed in Carbon Nanopores
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Calorimetry can detect the early onset of hydrolysis in hybrid supercapacitors with aqueous electrolytes
Journal of Power Sources
The origin of stability and high Co2+/3+ redox utilization for FePO4-coated LiCo0.90Ti0.05PO4/MWCNT nanocomposites for 5 V class lithium ion batteries
RSC Advances
Self-supervised image quality assessment for X-ray tomographic images of Li-ion battery
npj Computational Materials