
From France to Japan, batteries at the hearth of research

February 12th, 2019, the RS2E welcomed a Japanese delegation from the Japan Science and Technology Agency to discuss about the future of battery researches.

Energy storage is a worldwide challenge, which concerns France and Europe as well as Japan. The proof is that the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Japanese equivalent of the CNRS, visited several European labs to discuss about the future battery challenges at the beginning of February.

The RS2E welcomed February 12th, 2019, Prof. Kohei Uosaki and Dr. Masaaki Mita. M.  Uosaki is, in particular, in charge of the ALCA-SPRING program whose aim is to promote an innovative battery research in Japan. The JST bets, thanks to this project, on the development of the all-solid state, lithium-sulfur, metal-air and magnesium technologies.

The two JST representatives visited the Hub of Energy in Amiens where they learnt more about the RS2E and its organization, talking with Mathieu Morcrette, LRCS director. Then, they met Jean-Marie Tarascon, professor at Collège de France and director of the RS2E. Shigemitsu Toma, scientific officer of the Japanese embassy in France, accompanied them.


Ce rendez-vous a été l’occasion pour le RS2E de présenter sa vision scientifique et de préciser son positionnement au sein du projet européen de grande envergure Batteries 2030+, dont il est l’un des acteurs.

Pour en apprendre plus sur l’initiative de recherche à long terme Battery 2030+ :

Retour sur les principaux projets japonais en cours :

  1. ALCA-SPRING (Specially Promoted Research for innovative Next Generation Batteries)
  2. NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science)
  3. GREEN (Global Research Center for Environment and Energy based on Nanomaterials Science)