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Influence of ion implantation on the charge storage mechanism of vanadium nitride pseudocapacitive thin films

Etienne Le Calvez Dmitri Yarekha Laurent Fugère Kévin Robert Marielle Huvé Maya Marinova Olivier Crosnier Christophe Lethien Thierry Brousse
Electrochemistry Communications

Simulations of Ionic Liquids Confined in Surface Functionalized Nanoporous Carbons: Implications for Energy Storage

El Hassane Lahrar Irena Deroche Camélia Ghimbeu Patrice Simon Céline Merlet
ACS Applied Nano Materials

Micro-batteries Li-ion et micro-supercondensateurs au service de l'Internet des Objets miniaturisé

Christophe Lethien Pascal Roussel Frédéric Favier Jean Le Bideau Patrice Simon Thierry Brousse

An Overview on Protecting Metal Anodes with Alloy‐Type Coating

Justine Touja Nicolas Louvain Lorenzo Stievano Laure Monconduit Romain Berthelot
Batteries & Supercaps

LiFePO4-ferri/ferrocyanide redox targeting aqueous posolyte: Set-up, efficiency and kinetics

Jose Vivo-Vilches Arina Nadeina Noura Rahbani Vincent Seznec Dominique Larcher Emmanuel Baudrin
Journal of Power Sources

Understanding the calendering processability of Li(Ni0.33Mn0.33Co0.33)O2-based cathodes

Emiliano Primo Mehdi Chouchane Matthieu Touzin Patricia Vázquez Alejandro Franco
Journal of Power Sources

Silicon-based electrodes formulation in buffered solution for enhanced electrode-electrolyte interfaces

Aude Roland Benoit Delarre Jean-Bernard Ledeuil Nicolas Louvain Hervé Martinez Laure Monconduit
Journal of Power Sources

Towards reversible high-voltage multi-electron reactions in alkali-ion batteries using vanadium phosphate positive electrode materials

Edouard Boivin Jean-Noël Chotard Christian Masquelier Laurence Croguennec

Two-dimensional MXenes for electrochemical capacitor applications: Progress, challenges and perspectives

Qizhen Zhu Jiapeng Li Patrice Simon Bin Xu
Energy Storage Materials

Probing and Interpreting the Porosity and Tortuosity Evolution of Li-O2 Cathodes on Discharge through a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach

Amangeldi Torayev Simon Engelke Zeliang Su Lauren Marbella Vincent de Andrade Arnaud Demortière Pieter Magusin Céline Merlet Alejandro Franco Clare Grey
Journal of Physical Chemistry C

What Can Text Mining Tell Us About Lithium‐Ion Battery Researchers’ Habits?

Hassna El‐bousiydy Teo Lombardo Emiliano Primo Marc Duquesnoy Mathieu Morcrette Patrik Johansson Patrice Simon Alexis Grimaud Alejandro Franco
Batteries & Supercaps

Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effect of Functionalized Pyrene Polymerization on Carbon Electrode Surfaces for Electrochemical Storage

Bihag Anothumakkool Yuman Sayed‐ahmad‐baraza Florian Massuyeau Thierry Brousse Chris Ewels Joel Gaubicher
Batteries & Supercaps