
ENSCBP (IPB) module

Pedagogic responsible: L. Guerlou-Demourgues et L. Croguennec

Energy storage is essential to assure the sustainability of the projects using renewable energy, intermittent by nature. It helps smooth production between peak periods (full sunshine for photovoltaics) and troughs (periods without wind for instance).

Train future engineers on these challenges is crucial. That is why the ENSCBP (IPB) proposes a specialization module titled “Stockage et Conversion de l’Énergie (SCE)”, which is a major element of the training component of the RS2E via its laboratory of excellence “Storex” (a group of 17 CNRS-Universities laboratories).

This module aims to offer technical and scientific knowledge on the subject to the students, but also a general culture which will facilitate decision-making in relation to large-scale energy storage projects.

It is accessible to engineering students, at the level Bac+5, from the 19 chemistry schools of the Gay-Lussac network. The module is open to the professionals in continuing education too.

The module SCE offers over three months lessons (210 hours in total) on a wide range of topics on energy storage and conversion: electrochemical systems, supercapacitors, photovoltaic, fuel cells, thermoelectric materials… A third of the speakers comes from outside the school, including researchers from the RS2E. Another part of the courses is given by professionals from leading companies in the field of energy storage and conversion: Total-Saft, Ineris, EDF, CEA, Renault, etc.

The whole is backed by a double professionalizing component: an industrial specialization project to be carried out between January and March and a 6-month internship in a company to be carried out between April and September.

About the IPB-ENSCBP: Created in 1891, the ENSCBP is one of the 8 engineering schools of the Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux. It offers engineering courses in chemistry, biology and physics in partnership with 8 research laboratories, including the ICMCB, one of the founding academic partners of RS2E, and several centers for technology transfer.