Synchrotron platform
Introduction to the synchrotron platform The synchrotron platform of the RS2E is hosted at SOLEIL synchrotron , where various X-ray based techniques, offered by the 29 beamlines at SOLEIL are used to study electrochemical...
Antonella Iadecola (RS2E at SOLEIL)
NMR analytical platform
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a spectroscopic technique for the observation of nuclear spins. The spin of a nucleus, placed in an intense magnetic field, can be manipulated with the help of resonant radio-frequency waves, and...
Michaël Deschamps (CEMHTI/Univ. Orléans)
XRD Analytical Platform
X-ray diffraction is a non-destructive method to characterize materials. This technique used by many labs makes it possible to: i) determine in about 10 minutes the purity of a sample, ii) quantify (% by weight) the several...
Jean-Noël Chotard (LRCS/UPJV)
Mössbauer platform
Scientific contributions Sn and Fe speciation: identification of species containing tin or iron (transmission and/or diffusion mode) in their chemical environment, quantitative evaluation of their proportions, access to the...
Moulay Tahar Sougrati
Security platform
Scientific contributions Analysis and characterization of electrolyte compounds and their degradation. Analysis of gases and volatile compounds formed. Characterization of compounds formed at the electrode/electrolyte...
Grégory Gachot (LRCS)
X-ray and electronic microscopy platform
Transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and the associated analytic techniques (EDX, SAED, EELS, High-Resolution TEM/STEM, EFTEM, HAADF, ABF) have taken a new boom with the development of specific TEM object-holders allowing...
Arnaud Demortière, CR1 CNRS (LRCS)
XPS analytical platform
The XPS probes the energetic repartition of electrons in a material (core and valence level), on its surface (analysis depth about 5 nm). This technique is used to determine the elementary chemical composition of the surface...
Rémi Dedryvère (Prof. at IPREM/Univ. PAU)