Our organization
RS2E: a three-headed structure
The RS2E is a three-headed structure composed of Academic research (CRA) headed by the CNRS, the centre of technological research and integration (CRTI) headed by the CEA and the Club of industrials (CI).
Academic research (CRA)
- The centre of academic research headed by the CNRS is composed of academic laboratories. We are talking about 17 laboratories CNRS-Universities whose mission is to lead basic research, explore new battery concepts and develop high performing materials. The academic research centre gathers pre-transfer units to validate concepts for a quick transfer to the integration centre.

Centre of technological research and integration (CRTI)
- The centre of technological research and innovation headed by the CEA depends, for the essential, on technological research and the platforms developed at the CEA/Grenoble-Chambéry, on the bases of STEEVE and INES. It enables to create, on a large scale, prototypes to demonstrate the performances of technological breakthroughs. The CRTI tests and validates the concepts issued from the CRA up to battery testing in prototypes with the help from associated platforms notably IFPEN and INERIS.
Industrials partners
It presently includes 13 companies. The RS2E offers the industrials the possibility of :
- having a direct access to the entire innovations and patents issued from academic scientific work,
- developing scientific collaborations with one or several members of the network (laboratories and/or institutions).