i-MESC Master’s Degree
Coordinator: Pr. Alejandro A. Franco
Administrative coordinator: J. Tamimy

The field of energy storage is very important on a global scale and requires the training of young researchers of high level. That’s why, since 2004 the Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion+ (MESC+) master’s degree, now the Interdisciplinarity in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (i-MESC) master’s degree, trains students in several European universities renowned for their expertise in energy storage:
- The first semester at the Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
- The second semester at Paul Sabatier III University in Toulouse (France)
- For the third semester, students are assigned to three different universities: the University of Picardie Jules Verne (France), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the University of the Basque Country of Bilbao (Spain)
- The fourth semester is dedicated to an internship in a i-MESC partner laboratory.
RS2E is contributing to this chemistry master’s degree through the participation of affiliated researchers to teachings and by offering scholarships to several students (20,000 € each one).
The first MESC+ students were welcomed in September 2004 at Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (France). Since September 2006, the master’s degree received the Erasmus Mundus seal of approval (a quality label granted by the European Commission to the best-integrated programs at Master or PhD levels). The Erasmus Mundus seal of approval allows the i-MESC consortium to offer substantial scholarships to students (33,600€ for the two years). The industrial partners also offer scholarships to students: Alistore-ERI, CIC EnergiGUNE, Umicore and other partners.
The aim of the i-MESC master's degree is to provide students with a high level of training in materials science and electrochemistry. The training is given entirely in English so that each student can easily evolve in industrial and academic sectors that are increasingly international.
This training also allows students to follow courses given by professors recognized for their excellence in their field such as: Prof. Patrice Simon (Paul Sabatier III University, Toulouse), Pr. Yury Gogotsi (Drexel University, USA), Pr. Robert Dominko (NIC, Slovenia) and Pr. Alejandro Franco (UPJV Amiens).
Concretely, i-MESC offers courses that cover the field of synthesis, characterization and properties of materials for energy storage and transformation as well as digital twins and AI. The master's program welcomes about 30 students per class. The application is made online on the website of the Master i-MESC from December 4th 2024 to February 15th 2025 (these dates are indicative and are subject to change).
For more information on the i-MESC Master:
Website of i-MESC