From France to Japan, batteries at the hearth of research
February 12 th , 2019, the RS2E welcomed a Japanese delegation from the Japan Science and Technology Agency to discuss about the future of battery researches. Energy storage is a worldwide challenge, which concerns France and...
Lamellar catalyst and alkaline electrolyte, the winning combination
Energy storage is a scientific challenge that is becoming more and more urgent to solve. One of the solution envisaged by the scientists is to store energy from renewable sources in the form of a chemical vector with high...
A new synthesis method of Mxenes for more efficient materials for energy storage
2D metallic carbides, also called MXenes, have become the electrode materials of choice for the supercapacitor research community. Indeed, the 2D structure of these materials make them useful for capacitive storage because...
A new strategy to overcome the limitations of anionic redox
“Promises but still a lot of roadblocks to break » could sum up the current state of knowledge on the anionic redox phenomenon. The promises to start with are those of high-performance Li-ion batteries, with a better energy...
Micro-supercapacitors to power on the Internet of Things
This publication was the subject of a communication from INSIS (in French). The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the revolutionary technologies of the 21 st century. Its aim is to create an ecosystem of things or connected...
Electrocatalysis of water, destabilize to better stabilize
For some years, the storage and the deployment of renewable energies have been considered as one of the main ways to tackle climate change. However, the intermittent nature of these energy sources makes it necessary to...
Isothermal calorimetry, a tool too long neglected for the study of anionic redox
For 7 years, RS2E researchers have been publishing several papers on the phenomenon of anionic redox. This oxidation-reduction phenomenon is added to the “classical” cationic redox, in particular in the “Li-rich” materials...
Some disorder to improve Na-ion battery performances
Harnessing the third sodium of the Na 3 V 2 (PO 4 ) 2 F 3 ( or NVPF ) positive electrode to increase the energy density of sodium-ion batteries could be the key to make them competitive towards lithium-ion batteries. A RS2E...
Understanding and optimizing the « anionic redox » thanks to the theory
The study of the “anionic redox” process has enthused for several years the scientific community of the batteries field. Mastering the phenomenon could permit to increase the energy density of the storage systems and to...
MXene/electrolyte, the strategic duo to improve pseudocapacitors
An international team of researchers, whose some members of RS2E, demonstrates how simply changing the solvent of an pseudocapacitive system can drastically impact the performances of a Mxene Ti 3 C 2 electrode in non-aqueous...