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An Alternative Polymer Material to PVDF Binder and Carbon Additive in Li-Ion Battery Positive Electrode

Ivone Marselina Nugraha, Jacob Olchowka, Cyril Brochon, Delphine Flahaut, Mélanie Bousquet, Benjamin Cabannes-Boue, Rafael Bianchini Nuernberg, Éric Cloutet, Laurence Croguennec
Advanced Science

Synthesis, Structure, and Electrochemistry of Crystallized Layered Chlorides, LiMCl6 (M = Ta/Nb)

Anshuman Chaupatnaik, Gwenaëlle Rousse, Arnaud J. Perez, Anatolii V. Morozov, Erik Elkaïm, Maxim Avdeev, Artem M. Abakumov, Jean-Marie Tarascon

A holistic review on the direct recycling of lithium-ion batteries from electrolytes to electrodes

Neil Hayagan, Cyril Aymonier, Laurence Croguennec, Mathieu Morcrette, Rémi Dedryvère, Jacob Olchowka and Gilles Philippot
Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Binder-Free Cnt Cathodes for Li-O2 Batteries with More Than One Life

Zeliang Su, Israel Temprano, Nicolas Folastre, Victor Vanpeene, Julie Villanova, Gregory Gachot, Elena V. Shevchenko, Clare P. Grey, Alejandro A. Franco, Arnaud Demortière
Small Methods

3D Printing of solvent-free PEO-Polyolefin solid polymer electrolyte by Fused Filament Fabrication

Félix Bourseau, Sylvie Grugeon, Ugo Lafont and Loïc Dupont
Virtual and Physical Prototyping

A Comprehensive Study on the Parameters Affecting Magnesium Plating/Stripping Kinetics in Rechargeable Mg Batteries

Muath Radi, Taniya Purkait, Deyana S. Tchitchekova, Alejandro R. Goñi, Robert Markowski, Charlotte Bodin, Cécile Courrèges, Rémi Dedryvère, Alexandre Ponrouch

Concurrent oxygen evolution reaction pathways revealed by high-speed compressive Raman imaging

Raj Pandya, Florian Dorchies, Davide Romanin, Jean-François Lemineur, Frédéric Kanoufi, Sylvain Gigan, Alex W. Chin, Hilton B. de Aguiar and Alexis Grimaud
Nature Communications

Li3V2(PO4)3 sintering atmosphere optimisation for its integration in all-solid-state batteries

Timothée Fabre, Marie Lachal, Hari Raj, Valérie Pralong, Renaud Bouchet, Marlu César Steil
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

Electrochemical and structural properties of binder-free iron-based bifunctional catalyst for aqueous Zinc-Oxygen batteries

Jorge González-Morales, Mario Aparicio, Nataly Carolina Rosero-Navarro, Franco M. Zanotto, Alejandro A. Franco, Jadra Mosa
Open Ceramics

Investigation of Key Electronic States in Layered Mixed Chalcogenides With a d0 Transition Metal as Li-Ion Cathodes

Khagesh Kumar, Neelam Sunariwal, Jacques Louis, Bernhard T. Leube, Indrani Roy, George E. Sterbinsky, Jean-Marie Tarascon, Jordi Cabana
Advanced Functional Materials

Energy from Garbage: Recycling Heavy Metal-Containing Wastewater Adsorbents for Energy Storage

Marcelo A. Andrade, Olivier Crosnier, Patrik Johansson, Thierry Brousse
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research

Simulating solid-state battery cathode manufacturing via wet-processing with resolved active material geometries

Dennis Weitze, Franco M. Zanotto, Diana Zapata Dominguez, Alejandro A. Franco